Emily Robb 2023-2024

BMW Race Driver Series Round 5 
Gutting weekend for the last round of the Nexen Tyre NZ BMW E46 Drivers Championship. Heading into the weekend at Hampton Downs 7th in the championship and tied on points for top rookie, we had high hopes to have a clean, trouble-free weekend.

Saturday morning saw wet conditions, but a good set-up and great pace resulted in P5. This was my best (highest) result yet this season!

Race 1, had a ripper of a start to get into P4 by the first corner. Unfortunately with a fast drying track throughout the race we were not able to manage as well, and finished P9, but still leading rookie.

Race 2 on a dry track we started 9th, got into 5th by the end of the first lap, and then the diff broke in the car, which meant I could not finish the race and the rookie fight was over.

In Race 3, we started P13 and finished 11th due to an intermittent traction control fault.
Finishing P8 overall for the season and 2nd for the rookies. Not quite the way I wanted to finish the season, but I have learnt a lot and have had lots of fun. Special thanks to Mum, Dad and my grandparents for their on going support and helping me do what I love. Also to the BMW driver series for giving me the opportunity to race this season and everyone else who has been behind the scenes.

We have a bit of a break now over the winter, but some exciting news coming soon.
Emily Robb.

BMW Race Driver Series Round 4

Real strong weekend of racing at The Taupo International Motorsport Park. It was my first time driving the Nexen E46 BMW at Taupo and we were straight on pace by the end of Friday practice.

Saturday qualifying with cool clear skies and I got a solid P7 time on my 3rd lap. This was my first top 10 quali result in the field of 18 cars and had some experienced opposition around me.

Race 1, 10 Lap race and I finished P8, sticking to the front pack for the first few laps, then unfortunately didn’t quite have the pace to keep with them for the second half.
Race 2 on the Sunday morning and I started P8. Made a clean pass at Turn 5 and finished in P7 – with a new Personal Best Lap Time as well!

Race 3 was hot, got a real good start gaining a few positions and battling the whole race to eventually finish P7.
All up I managed to finish 6th for the round which has been the best finish yet, and was first rookie home again!

Overall a very positive weekend all round with clean racing and a good bunch of points. Taupo is such a fun track to race in the BMW. By far biggest improvement finishing in the top 10 in every race. Feels like we have made big gains in the development of the car and is rewarding seeing the results. Thank you to the BMW club and the officials.
Now we have a bit of a break till the final round at Hampton at the end of March.

BMW Race Driver Series Round 3

They say you have to enjoy the highs and lows of Motor Racing, and last weekend we for sure experienced both.

To start the weekend off after two laps of practice on Friday morning, the inlet valve on number 2 cylinder decided it was sick of operating and went into retirement. This resulted in us delivering the car back to P&S Automotive to spend the rest of the day diagnosing and rectifying the fault.

With a new cylinder head back in, we returned to the track Saturday morning all set for qualifying. Two strong warm-up laps later, the car suffered an electrical problem that ended our qualifying. Surprisingly my warm-up lap was good enough for P15 out of 18 cars.

Race 1 we had a great start up 3 places to P12 by end of the opening lap. Managed two more positions, then the electrical issue returned. This then brought on the longest remaining 8 laps in history as the car spluttered around the track, I was lucky enough to keep circulating around to get some championship points finishing p16.

Here I have to give a huge thanks to my Dad and the P&S team. They changed all sorts of sensors and plugs to try rectify the issue. Also another thank-you to the Race Director Deborah Day for letting me run back of field in IPC and BMW 2 litre class while we tried to find the source of the mis-firing.

Sunday morning, some more new parts and with fingers crossed we rolled up for Race 2. Had an awesome start, to go from 16th to 11th in the opening lap, having some fun battles during the race to finish a solid P11.

Race 3 Starting P9 and had made my way up to P6 by lap 3, but then frustratingly I made a mistake dropping me back to 11th. Managed to make a comeback and finish in P7!

It’s fair to say that this weekend really tested my patience, but it was good to end the weekend on a high note. Again a massive thanks to P&S Automotive and Dad for sorting out the mechanical mishaps and everyone else who has helped, it is really appreciated.

📸 Matt Smith

BMW Race Driver Series Round 2
Tough round last weekend for the second outing of the BMW Race Driver Series. It was my first race weekend at the Manfield Circuit of Chris Amon and wow, it is a fun track to drive.
Unfortunately, the clutch disintegrated in the second morning run on Friday practice that resulted in us missing out on valuable track time.

Jumping head first into qualifying on Saturday, still trying to learn the track, I ended up P15.
Race one started P15, had a good start, but then missed a gear in the hairpin, dropping me back quite a few positions. Was battling hard with the cars ahead of me and managed to come home in P14.

Race two started P14 and had a better start. Unfortunately, a red flag on lap 2 paused my run thru the field, but an epic re-start saw me come home in P10.
Race three started P15, had a great opening lap and made my way up the pack to finished P11.

Overall, it was a great weekend of learning and getting used to managing the tire in hotter conditions.

Massive thanks to everyone who helped to get the car fixed and ready after the hiccup on Friday. It was not quite the results we were looking for, but eyes are forward to Taupo in 4 weeks time.
Stoked to now be leading the rookie championship with such a competitive field, and excited that we will all be on Nexen Tires next round.

Thanks Matt Smith for the photos.

BMW Race Driver Series Round 1

Wow what a weekend it has been! Was great to finally be out there and getting amongst it with the season now underway at Hampton Downs. I had a test day with Tracktime on Monday and a full Friday of practice, it was my first proper time out in the BMW E46 Scholarship car, and we got some great results better than we were expecting.

Unfortunately, our qualifying position was not the best that we were looking for. With mixed and overcast conditions, our plan was not executed as well as we hoped, and we started P13 out of 21 cars for race 1.

With some nerves and excitement built up for the first race, I got a great start off the line gaining some positions and had some cool battles. With the rain starting to come down and a safety car out on track, I made my way up the field into 8th place, before finishing P9.

I didn’t have the best start in race 2, dropping me back a few positions, and finishing P11.
Race 3 had some real close racing with lots of passing and climbing back up the field to finish a solid P9, 9th overall and 2nd Rookie home.

Massive thanks to everyone who has helped to get the car and myself prepared for this season, could not have done it without you. Looking forward to Manfeild in a month!

📸 Matt Smith